The people's Procuratorate is the state legal supervision organ of the people's Republic of China. The people's Republic of China establishes the Supreme People's Procuratorate, local people's procuratorates at all levels, military procuratorates and other special people's procuratorates. This top-down arrangement reflects the relationship between the higher and lower levels of the procuratorial organs as the leader and the LED, and its centralized and unified characteristics, which is significantly different from the relationship between the higher and lower levels of the people's court. In order to maintain the unity of the national legal system, the procuratorial organs must be integrated and have a strong centralized unity.
The people's Procuratorate accomplishes its task by exercising the state procuratorial power. It exercises procuratorial power in the cases of endangering national security, endangering public security, infringing upon citizens' personal rights and democratic rights and other major criminal cases, reviews the cases investigated by public security organs and decides whether to arrest, prosecute or exempt from prosecution, and institutes public prosecution and supports public prosecution in criminal cases; Supervise whether the activities of public security organs, people's courts, prisons, detention houses and labor reform organs are lawful.
The digital conference room of a district Procuratorate in Wuhan adopts the paperless conference system scheme designed by our company, and the whole project is designed to function perfectly.