一、DDC 介绍:

DDC 是显示器与电脑主机进行通信的一个总线标准,其全称是:DISPLAY DATA CHNNEL。它基本功能就是将显示器的电子档案资料信息,诸如可接收行场频范围、生产厂商、生产日期、产品序列号、产品型号、标准显示模式及其参数、 所支持的DDC标准类别、EDID的版本信息数据等。高版本的DDC标准总线还可以允许电脑主机直接调节显示器的基本参数,诸如亮度、对比度、行场幅度的大 小、行场中心位置、色温参数等等。

二、 DDC总线标准类别:

1)DDC1:单向传输,CLOCKED BY VSYNC,只传输128 BYTE EDID标准数据信息。

2) DDC2B:单向传输(地址为:0xA0/A1),是一个简单的从存储器读取数据信息的标准I2C协议,其方向为从显示器到电脑主机。

3) DDC2Bi:双向传输,I2C SLAVE MODE,传送图形信息(地址为:0x6E/6F,0x50/51), 支持简单的ACCESS.BUS总线标准。

4) DDC2B+:双向传输,点对点,不支持ACCESS.BUS,传输EDID/VDIF标准数据信息(地址为:0x6E/6F,0x50/51)。

5) DDC2AB:双向传输,支持ACCESS.BUS,传输EDID/VDIF标准数据信息(地址为:0x6E/6F,0x50/51)。

三、 EDID数据标准:

EDID(Extended Display Identification Data Standard) 就是显示器通过DDC传输给电脑主机的标准数据信息,至今已发布到第三版本,即EDID Version 3,前面分别有EDID Version 1.0,Revision 0,EDID Version 1,Revision 1,EDID Version 2,Revision 0,EDID Version 2,Revision 1等版本。就数据信息量而分,EDID分为128 BYTE和256 BYTE,将来也许会有更多数据信息量的新版EDID公布。

EDID(Extended Display Identification Data Standard) 就是显示器通过DDC传输给电脑主机的标准数据信息。EDID分为128 BYTE和256 BYTE。


00–07: Header information

08–17: Complete serial number

08–09: Manufacturer ID

10–11: Product ID Code (little-endian)

12–15: Serial Number (little-endian)

16: Week of Manufacture

17: Year of Manufacture. Add 1990 to the value for actual year.

18: EDID Version Number

19: EDID Revision Number

20-24: Basic Display Parameters


bit 7: 0=analog, 1=digital

if bit 7 is digital: bit 0: 1=DFP 1.x compatible

if bit 7 is analog:

bit 6-5: video level 00=0.7, 0.3,

01=0.714, 0.286, 10=1, .4 11=0.7, 0

bit 4: blank-to-black setup

bit 3: separate syncs

bit 2: composite sync

bit 1: sync on green 

bit 0: serration vsync

21: Maximum Horizontal Image Size (in centimeters).

22: Maximum Vertical Image Size (in centimetres).

23: Display Gamma. Divide by 100, then add 1 for actual value.

24: Power Management and Supported Feature(s):

bit 7: standby bit 6: suspend

bit 5: active-off/low power

bit 4-3: display type.

00=mono  ome, 01=RGB colour, 10=non RGB multicolour, 11=undefined

bit 2: standard colour space

bit 1: preferred timing mode

bit 0: default GTF supported

25-34: CHROMA INFO 25: low significant bits for Red X (bit 7-6), Red Y (bit 5-4), Green X (bit 3-2), Green Y (bit 1-0).

26: low significant bits for Blue X (bit 7-6), Blue Y (bit 5-4), White X (bit 3-2), White Y (bit 1-0).

27–34: high significant

bits for Red X, Red Y, Green X, Green Y, Blue X, Blue Y, White X, White Y. To decode actual value, rearrange bits as follows:

High significant bits 7-0 for (channel), low significant bits for (channel).

Actual value is between 0.000 and 0.999, but encoded value is between 000h and 3FFh.


bit 7-0: 720×400@70 Hz, 720×400@88 Hz, 640×480@60 Hz, 640×480@67 Hz,

640×480@72 Hz, 640×480@75 Hz, 800×600@56 Hz, 800×600@60 Hz


bit 7-0: 800×600@72 Hz, 800×600@75 Hz, 832×624@75 Hz, 1024×768@87 Hz (Interlaced),

1024×768@60 Hz, 1024×768@70 Hz, 1024×768@75 Hz, 1280×1024@75 Hz

37: Manufacturer's Reserved Timing

38–53: Standard Timing Identification.

2 bytes for each record.

First byte Horizontal resolution.

Multiply by 8, then add 248 for actual value.

Second byte bit

7-6: Aspect ratio.

Actual vertical resolution depends on horizontal resolution.

00=16:10, 01=4:3, 10=5:4, 11=16:9

bit 5-0: Vertical frequency.

Adds 60 to get actual value.

54–71: Desc riptor Block 1

54–55: Pixel Clock (in 10 kHz) or 0 If Pixel Clock is non null:

56: Horizontal Active (in pixels)

57: Horizontal Blanking (in pixels)

58: Horizontal Active high (4 upper bits)

Horizontal Blanking high (4 lower bits)

59: Vertical Active (in pixels)

60: Vertical Blanking (in vertical pixels/lines)

61: high significant bits for Vertical Active (4 upper bits) high significant

bits for Vertical Blanking (4 lower bits)

62: Horizontal Sync Offset (in pixels)

63: Horizontal Sync Pulse Width (in pixels)

64: Vertical Sync Offset (in lines) 

(4 upper bits) Vertical Sync Pulse Width (in lines) 4 lower bits) 

65: high significant bits for Horizontal Sync Offset(bit 7-6)

high significant bits for Horizontal Sync Pulse Width (bit 5-4)

high significant bits for Vertical Sync Offset (bit 3-2)

high significant bits for Vertical Sync Pulse Width (bit 1-0)

66: Horizontal Image Size (in mm)

67: Vertical Image Size (in mm)

68: high significant bits for Horizontal Image Size (4 upper bits)

high significant bits for Vertical Image Size (4 lower bits)

69: Horizontal Border

70: Vertical Border

71: Interlaced or not (bit 7)

Stereo or not (bit 6-5) ("00" means not)

Separate Sync or not (bit 4-3)

Horizontal Sync positive or not (bit 2)

Vertical Sync positive or not (bit 1)

Stereo Mode (bit 0) (unused if 6-5 are 00) 

If Pixel Clock is null:

56: 0

57: Block type FFh=Monitor Serial Number, FEh=ASCII string, FDh=Monitor Range Limits, FCh=Monitor name, FBh=Colour Point Data, FAh, Standard Timing Data, F9h=Currently undefined, F8h=defined by manufacturer

58: Unknown

59–71: Desc riptor block contents.

If block type is FFh, FEh, or FCh, the entire area is a text string.

If block type is FDh:

59–63: Min Vertical frequency, Max Vertical frequency, Min Horizontal frequency (in kHz), Max Horizontal frequency (in kHz), pixel clock (in MHz (multiply by 10 for actual value))

64–65: Secondary GTF toggle If encoded value is 000A, bytes 59-63 are used. If encoded value is 0200, bytes67–71 are used.

66: Start horizontal frequency (in kHz). Multiply by 2 for actual value.

67: C. Divide by 2 for actual value.

68-69: M (little endian).

70: K 71: J. Divide by 2 for actual value. If block type is FBh:

59: W Index 0. If set to 0, bytes

60-63 are not used. If set to 1,

61–63 are assigned to white point index #1

64: W Index 1. If set to 0, bytes

65-68 are not used. If set to 2,

65–68 are assigned to white point index #2 White point index structure:

First byte bit 3-2: low significant bits for White X (bit 3-2), White Y (bit 1-0)

Second to third byte: high significant bits for White X, White Y.

Fourth byte: Gamma. Divide by 100, then add 1 for actual value.

To decode White X and White Y, see bytes

25-34. If block type is FAh:

59–70: Standard Timing Identification.

2 bytes for each record.

For structure details, see bytes 38-53.

72–89: Desc riptor Block 2 90–107: Desc riptor Block 3

108–125: Desc riptor Block 4

126: Extension EDID Block(s). In EDID 1.1, it is ignored, and should be set to 0.

127: Checksum.